
Manually add a new person.


Avoid sending leads through /v1/people!

Do not use POST /v1/people to send leads into Follow Up Boss. This will only create the person and will not run any automations.

The best way to send leads into Follow Up Boss from an IDX website, real estate portal, your custom website or any other lead source is to use event notifications (POST /v1/events).

Advantages of using this method include:

  • Avoid creating duplicates. Follow Up Boss will automatically search for an existing contact and update it.
  • Event information (inquiry, viewed property, saved property as a favorite, etc) is recorded and shown in contact history and the dashboard.
  • Agent is notified about new lead via email / text message.
  • Action plans are applied to the lead (if configured).
  • Correct agent is assigned as per the Lead Flow screen.
  • Automatically searches for social profiles.


Source Information Can Only Be Set on Creation

The source and sourceUrl fields can only be set once on the creation of a person. This cannot be changed via the PUT request.


Custom Fields

If the account has custom fields defined, you can also set these when adding a person. You can use the customFields endpoint to see which custom fields are available in the current account.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!