GET Agent Activity via API
Is there any FUB API endpont to post a reply to a note?
I want to reply to a note. I am unable to find any API endpoint to post a reply to a note.
How we can get property adress
How we can get a property address in /people api any pramas or another api against people id to get property address.
Is there any FUB API to get notes of a specific person or people
What i need to get notes of a specific person or people but i am currently unable to find any endpoint. What i found is adding a note, retrieving a note by note id, update note and delete that note.
But is there any way for retrieving all the notes against specific person or people(lead).
Appointment no outcome
Is there any way to pull leads that have an appointment set with no outcomes?
Mentions in Notes from the API
Have you considered making public the ability to mention a user via a note in the FUB API?
Unable to Access Text Message and Call Bodies via API
Hello FUB Team,
Outcome field for /calls/:id
When using the https://docs.followupboss.com/reference/calls-id-put endpoint, I see an outcome field. However, in the UI within FUB for calls, I do not see a process for setting the outcomes of Interested/Not Interested. Are call outcomes something that is only available via the API?
Access to endpoint /v1/timeline
I see that the timeline endpoint is not listed in your publicly available endpoints and that I receive an errorMessage of "You do not have access to this API endpoint." when I try to access it. Why is that endpoint not available and can it please be made accessible?
How to Retrieve Custom Fields for a Contact in Follow Up Boss Using Webhook or API Request in Zapier
Hi all,
I am working with Zapier and Follow Up Boss and need some guidance.
I know that the Find Contact action in Zapier doesn’t provide custom fields, but I need to retrieve the custom fields associated with a contact once I have their ID.
Is it possible to do this using the Webhook feature in Zapier, or can I achieve this by utilizing the API Request (Beta) feature in Zapier? If so, could you provide guidance on how to set this up to retrieve the custom fields for a contact?
Thanks for your help!