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Regarding Multiline Messages for 'v1/inboxApps/:id/message

We need to send multiline messages to 'v1/inboxApps/:id/message'. Currently, we can only send single-line messages. Is there any other way to send multiline messages?

Bulk Update or Import

Is there an endpoint or function for a bulk PUT or POST import of contacts? outside of the manual import tool, whats the best way to import a bulk list of 1000's contacts? Thanks

GET /people: custom field as query param

Hi, The website allows searching by custom fields, but I wasn't able to get this to work using the /people API. Suggestions? Example that returns all people instead of my one test case: /people?customAffiliateAgent=godzilla (I did GET /customFields and verified the field name) Thanks!

Contacts import to follow up boss via api

is there a /contacts as well endpoint or how can i import contacts in follow up boss by using post request (api)

Why is the smartListId not in the person object?

Hi there! I am trying to update our database when a lead moves to a new smart list. Although it's possible to get all leads in a specific smart list, it doesn't appear that it is possible to get the smart list the lead is in. Is this an oversight? The person object (at the /people/:id endpoint) does not return smartListId, even when you request allFields. It provides stageId, but not smartListId?

Getting All appointments including those created externally

Is there anything in the works or planned for the future to be able to retrieve all appointments via the FUB api vs those just created within FUB originally. We use Calendly and google workspace to allow customers to book appointments in real time based on our sales reps availability. I'd like to be able to pull all of the appointments to a table for for counts , charts, etc that we share with the sales reps. ![](https://files.readme.io/1389162-image.png)

/call pull by duration greater than 60

I am trying to replicate the Reporting call report inside of FUB to a Google Sheet. Is is possible to GET the /call API endpoint and show all calls with duration greater than 60 seconds for a "fromNumber"?

Import Webhook

Hi Should the peopleCreated event webhook be triggered normally when contacts are added via bulk Import? I've been testing the webhooks lately but noticed that events were not triggered after we used the Import feature. Thank you

Contact import with relationship

I'm importing some contacts that have spouses attached. Is there a csv column I can use to import a second person in a contact file so I don't have to merge them later?

Last assigned date

Hi! When I export all people into a CSV including all columns I have a column called Last Assigned with a date when a person was last assigned to the assignedTo agent . However, I'm not able to find this column anywhere in the API reference. Is it available through API? And if yes, where to find it. Thank you!