Requests and Responses


Follow Up Boss API uses JSON encoding. When sending POST and PUT requests, the request body should contain JSON-encoded data to create or update a resource. We also recommend including a header indicating the content type of the request body: Content-Type: application/json

For example, to update the first name of a person with ID = 123 you can use the following request:

PUT /v1/people/123 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
{"firstName": "Mary"}

Likewise, the response body is also encoded using JSON format.

   "id": 123,
   "created": "2012-04-23T02:23:11Z",
   "updated": "2012-04-23T02:23:11Z",
   "lastActivity": "2012-04-23T02:23:11Z",
   "name": "Mary Mcmillan",
   "firstName": "Mary",
   "lastName": "Mcmillan",
   "stage": "Lead",
   "source": "Zillow",

Date Format

We use the ISO 8601 standard for all date and time values.

Time is always expressed in the UTC time zone.

Response Codes

On success for new resources, you will get a 201 Created or 200 OK response if an existing resource was updated.

Response Bodies

In general, response bodies for creating or updating resources will be in the same format as returned by a GET request for that resource.