
Update a person by id.


Tag updates will overwrite all existing tags

Please note that when using the tags property, all existing tags for a person will be overwritten to use the new list of tags provided.

To merge new tags with the contact's existing tag list, set the mergeTags query parameter in the request URL to true.


Phone number updates will overwrite existing phone numbers

The phones argument will overwrite all existing phone numbers, including those associated with relationships.

For example, if a contact has phone numbers of 123-456-7890 and 123-456-7891 and you want to edit the second one to 123-456-7892, you'll need to send the first one along with the updated second number. Similarly, if you wanted to add a number you need to send that with the existing set of phone numbers.


Altering email addresses and phone numbers of relationships

Email addresses and phone numbers associated to relationships can be edited and deleted through /v1/people , however you cannot alter the relationshipId of a given email address or phone number through /v1/people. This must be done through /v1/peopleRelationships.


Changing the contacted field

Changing the contacted field to true will pause action plans.


Custom Fields

If the account has custom fields defined you can also set these when updating a person. You can use the customFields endpoint to see which custom fields are available in the current account.

To delete a custom field value on a person, set its value to null. (e.g., customBirthday: null)

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!