
List all deals custom fields available in your account.

This endpoint will give you a list of all deal custom fields available in the account you're connected to.

For each custom field the values returned are:

  • label: The label used for this custom field in the Follow Up Boss web and mobile apps
  • name: The name of this custom field in API responses. This is also name you should use if you wish to update a custom field on a person or send in a custom field with a new lead.
  • type: Currently we support four types of custom fields (text, date, number, dropdown).
  • *choices:" If the field is a dropdown, then this list of choices are the only valid values for the custom field.
  • order_weight: The value used during sorting to order the fields in the user interface.
  • hide_if_empty: Determines whether the field is hidden when empty.
  • read_only: Determines whether the field is read only.


How to send in Deals Custom Field data

When sending deals custom field data via POST to /v1/dealCustomFields or PUT to /v1/dealCustomFields/:id make sure to use the name field returned here. So for example to send a value for "Close Price", use the field name customClosePrice in the request body.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!