
Notify Follow Up Boss about marketing emails sent, opens, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes and spam reports.

Use this endpoint to send information to Follow Up Boss about marketing emails sent out from your application and related events such as opens, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes and spam reports.

Before sending email marketing events you need to create an email campaign which represents a marketing email in your system. This could be a one-off email blast or automated drip email. Use the POST /emCampaigns endpoint to create an email campaign and save the id field from the response - this is Follow Up Boss ID of the email campaign. Then, use that ID in the campaignId field when sending email marketing events to Follow Up Boss.

The following event types are supported:

delivered - Email was sent out to a recipient.

open - Recipient opened the email.

click - Recipient clicked on a link in the email.

bounced - Email bounced, it means recipient's email server rejected the email. This is a generic bounce event, use it if your system doesn't distinguish between soft and hard bounces.

soft-bounce - Email bounced temporarily.

hard-bounce - Email bounced permanently.

unsubscribe - Recipient unsubscribed from further emails.

spamreport - Recipient reported email as spam.

dropped - Sending email wasn't attempted because of the previous history with recipient (bounced, unsubscribed, etc).


User ID

userId is an optional field that allows you to specify the ID of the user in Follow Up Boss that email was sent from.

This is useful to display email correctly in Follow Up Boss including replacing merge fields with correct user name, email, etc. This field is optional and defaults to the current authenticated user (the user whose API key is being used to authenticate API request).


Batching Events

This endpoint allows sending multiple events in a batch request, which is especially useful for the delivered event type when you are sending out an email to a large number of recipients.

You can send up to 1000 events per API request. When sending an email to a large number of recipients, we recommend breaking down the list of recipients into batches of 1000 and sending each batch in a separate POST request to this endpoint.


Missing Recipients

Any events sent over where Follow Up Boss was unable to find an associated contact for the listed recipient will be skipped over. No event will be created in this case. All other found matches will have events created successfully.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!