This page will help you get started with Follow Up Boss. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!
Follow Up Boss provides a simple REST API that allows developers to integrate their applications quickly. The API is in active development and will be extended to provide more functionality while keeping it backward compatible. If you are accessing the FUB API in order to provide services to a FUB customer you must register your system.. See Identification for more details.
API Endpoint
API Endpoint URL has the following structure,
- HTTPS is required for security, HTTP will not
- API hostname, always the same.v1
- API version, currently v1 is the only version.people
- resource name in plural, such as people, notes, etc.
Looking for code examples? You can find Bash and PHP examples here
Need Help?
Simply email us at and we'll help you to get started or answer any question you might have.