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Tags Applied Date Query

I want to know any means by which we can find out the date on which a particular tag is applied to a contact.

Inbox Access?

Wouldn't providing INBOX Access solve the following problems: 1. Not able to communicate with agents in the office that are members under the same FUB account? 2. Social Media messages such as Facebook? 3. Website communication via chatbox? 4. External SMS applications? 5. Ability to integrate a Business IVR line with a Caller ID lookup? #Follow Up Box Inbox #FUB Inbox #Social Media #Drip SMS #Bulk SMS #Email Other Agents #Chat Integration #Caller ID #Save Clients As Contacts #Facebook Messanger

Postman collection

Is there a published postman collection?

Editing "address type" picklist

Is it possible to add another value to the address "type" picklist? Currently it shows home, mailing, investment, work and other. "property" is the appropriate value for our needs, but we don't want to have to type it every time. Is that a setting somewhere?

Firewall Ports

Hi, Does anyone know what ports would need to be allowed outbound through a firewall and what are the destination IP Addresses or fqdns? Thanks.

Is it possible to skip webhook triggering on API request?

For example when i make POST /deals. FUB returning deal with webhook also. I prefer not to receive dealsCreated webhook when i create deal by API call. Is it possible to handle it somehow?

Document Requests

I was wondering if there was any way to upload or download a document associated with a client record?

Clarify orderWeight in a deal

Can you please clarify orderWeight as it relates to deals? Is type not an option, for example by date, or price point?

Automation behind person contacted flag

Hi, I have a question concerning contacted property included in /persons schema. Is there any automation/logic behind the scene for it. (any internal Follow Up Boss action is triggered when contacted is set to false or true by POST /people or PUT /people)? Best, Luke.

request api

hello could you help me make a request get to the api? I need to make a request to this url: https://api.followupboss.com/v1/people, but I do not know how to pass the token, I'm new to this.