Getting All appointments including those created externally
Is there anything in the works or planned for the future to be able to retrieve all appointments via the FUB api vs those just created within FUB originally.
/call pull by duration greater than 60
I am trying to replicate the Reporting call report inside of FUB to a Google Sheet. Is is possible to GET the /call API endpoint and show all calls with duration greater than 60 seconds for a "fromNumber"?
Import Webhook
Contact import with relationship
I'm importing some contacts that have spouses attached. Is there a csv column I can use to import a second person in a contact file so I don't have to merge them later?
Last assigned date
Filter/Search calls by user and/or startdate and enddate
Is it possible to search calls for a specific userID and/or by start and end date?
Agent leaderboard endpoint?
I’d like to build an app for my Tidbyt that will just display our teams leaderboard for the week or month. Can we get access to an endpoint for that?
API to get Email Sent and Text Message Count for particular Team Member
I want to use total Email Sent and Text Message sent count for particular Team Member for my portal.
So, Please let me know about specific API for this.
Sorting by last name A-Z for my people
How do I do this?
Document Requests
I was wondering if there was any way to upload or download a document associated with a client record?