Schema format for updating a custom field
Hey folks,
I'm using the FUB API docs to test updating a custom field. To start, and get an example of the payload, I'm testing on https://docs.followupboss.com/reference/people-id-put
It is not clear to me, how to specify the value for the custom field. I've tried customSpouse-Fubid: 999, customSpouse-Fubid=999 . . . Once I get a sample payload in this test environment, I can add it to my API class and test in my sandbed.
Code generated when I fill out the tool form
import requests
url = "https://api.followupboss.com/v1/people/797?mergeTags=false"
payload = { "custom*": "customSpouse-Fubid 798" }
headers = {
"accept": "application/json",
"content-type": "application/json"
response = requests.put(url, json=payload, headers=headers)
Output: "errorMessage": "Invalid fields in the request body: custom*."