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How to input a VALUE into a Deal?

I reviewed the following: https://docs.followupboss.com/reference/deal-custom-fields-id-put And did not notice a way to put a value into a deal?

Sorting by last name A-Z for my people

How do I do this?

How to poll a list of all leads on a given day.

Hello, New to the FollowUpBoss API. I ran a request to get people using the following parameters. createdAfter=2021-09-20T00:00:00Z&createdBefore=2021-09-25T00:00:00Z&limit=10&includeUnclaimed=true However, the number of leads I'm getting returned does not match the number of leads shown in the FollowUpBoss application for each day. What is the reason for this? I read somewhere in the docs that the API key may not have access to certain leads. Could this be the reason. And if so, is there a good way to just a total count for reporting via the API.

How to know which field was updated when a contact was updated

I'm using the peopleUpdated webhook to get notified when contact is updated. However, the field or fields which were updated are not listed in the notification payload below: [ { "eventId": "43fe2b8a-093c-42b0-8fc6-5205cf8a3e78", "eventCreated": "2022-08-15T14:30:00+00:00", "event": "peopleUpdated", "resourceIds": [ 27713 ], "uri": "https://api.followupboss.com/v1/people?id=27713" } ] How do I find out which field update triggered this webhook?

How to add an address to an existing people record

I'm trying to add an address to an existing people record. I keep getting an error that the format is incorrect. This is the format I'm using, what would be the correct format? $data = array( "addresses" => array( "street" => 'street', "city" => 'city', "state" => 'state', "code" => 90210, ) );

Is my webhook code wrong

Hey so I am trying to get webhooks to work, I get a response but the webhook array is empty, anything wrong in my code... ''' key = 'key56789' resource = 'webhooks' url = "https://%s:@api.followupboss.com/v1/%s" % (key, resource) header = { 'x-system': 'name1234', 'x-system-key': 'key1234' } param = { } response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=header) print(response.text) '''

Get Multiple Pages

Currently, there exists a limitation of 100 rows max. I have successfully called multiple pages into Postman and Power BI in the past with other APIs and I have not been able to replicate these results with the FUB api. Would you please demonstrate how to call multiple pages so I can work with all the data rather than the sample data of 100?

Custom fields

Is there a way with a custom field to add 1 to a count. For example when someone orders a photography package on our real estate photography website, we'd like to track their ordering history by tabulating how many bundles versions individual products they've ordered. Thanks!


Hello, I am Janice Purdy's new assistant and will be managing the leads that come through for her. I am trying to understand the process behind the targets that are set. I would like to understand your analytics behind your numbers. - Are the targets set, just general targets based off previous history or what are they based off of? - If these targets are met should we see full potential of this database? - Any information regarding numbers and to boost performance would be greatly appreciated.

Tags Applied Date Query

I want to know any means by which we can find out the date on which a particular tag is applied to a contact.