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GET /people: custom field as query param

Hi, The website allows searching by custom fields, but I wasn't able to get this to work using the /people API. Suggestions? Example that returns all people instead of my one test case: /people?customAffiliateAgent=godzilla (I did GET /customFields and verified the field name) Thanks!

Agent leaderboard endpoint?

I’d like to build an app for my Tidbyt that will just display our teams leaderboard for the week or month. Can we get access to an endpoint for that?

How to know which field was updated when a contact was updated

I'm using the peopleUpdated webhook to get notified when contact is updated. However, the field or fields which were updated are not listed in the notification payload below: [ { "eventId": "43fe2b8a-093c-42b0-8fc6-5205cf8a3e78", "eventCreated": "2022-08-15T14:30:00+00:00", "event": "peopleUpdated", "resourceIds": [ 27713 ], "uri": "https://api.followupboss.com/v1/people?id=27713" } ] How do I find out which field update triggered this webhook?

How to poll a list of all leads on a given day.

Hello, New to the FollowUpBoss API. I ran a request to get people using the following parameters. createdAfter=2021-09-20T00:00:00Z&createdBefore=2021-09-25T00:00:00Z&limit=10&includeUnclaimed=true However, the number of leads I'm getting returned does not match the number of leads shown in the FollowUpBoss application for each day. What is the reason for this? I read somewhere in the docs that the API key may not have access to certain leads. Could this be the reason. And if so, is there a good way to just a total count for reporting via the API.

Get Multiple Pages

Currently, there exists a limitation of 100 rows max. I have successfully called multiple pages into Postman and Power BI in the past with other APIs and I have not been able to replicate these results with the FUB api. Would you please demonstrate how to call multiple pages so I can work with all the data rather than the sample data of 100?

Firewall Ports

Hi, Does anyone know what ports would need to be allowed outbound through a firewall and what are the destination IP Addresses or fqdns? Thanks.

Can't create pipeline with stage via API.

I tried to create pipeline with stages via API as described in documentation. I see that pipeline was created, but stage was not. Also, i see error in response: {"errorMessage"=>"name is a required field for each stage object"} Actually when i trying update pipeline to add stage i also see the same Data: { "name"=>"Test", "description"=>"A pipeline for test", "orderWeight"=>3000, "stages"=> [ { "name"=>"Listed", "color"=>"#ffad81", "description"=>"", "orderWeight"=>1000 } ] } What wrong with this hash? Why it's not working? P.S. Also API documentation say that Pipeline PUT request should be by this url: https://api.followupboss.com/v1/pipelines But works only: https://api.followupboss.com/v1/pipelines/1

When a tag is added update a custom field in the contact

Hello, I am trying to add a time stamp to a custom field whenever a specific tag is added in Follow Up Boss. I'm just starting to figure this out and I believe I need to use webhooks, however in the docs it states I need an X-System. I registered a new one in the Identification section as I already had one registered that I use for importjson into spreadsheets. The problem is that the system nor the key seems to work in the field, and I keep getting an error telling me to register an X-System. Any help with this would be much appreciated, I am using Postman to help with testing also. Thanks in advance!

Run Lead Flow for existing people

Is it possible to run Lead Flow for existing peoples? I would like to create people through /people api, I know it's not recommended, but I need just to create contact firstly without any automation. Later when this people send inquiry from my site I want to send to FUB Property Inquiry with this people and want that this inquiry run Lead Flow. But lead flow not running when I send this (inquiry created for this people, but not create new row in Lead Flow tab). So I have a question: it's possible to create people through /people endpoint and then send Property Inquiry through /events with id of this people and run Lead Flow? Thanks!

Is it possible to skip webhook triggering on API request?

For example when i make POST /deals. FUB returning deal with webhook also. I prefer not to receive dealsCreated webhook when i create deal by API call. Is it possible to handle it somehow?