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Response 400: No information about a person in the request body

I am writing some lead integration code for one of my clients to push lead registrations from his personal site to his FUB account. I've triple checked my data package I am sending over to /v1/events but I'm still getting a Response Code of 400: No information about a person in the request body. I have logged out my json string and it matches the docs online so I'm beating my head against the wall trying to figure out why it's not going through. Can you verify I'm not going crazy here?

This a copy of the json data I am sending via a POST request to https://api.followupboss.com/v1/events:

"type":"Registration","message":"MySite Contact Request",
"emails":[{"value":"[email protected]"}],
"phones":[{"value":"(910) 555-5555"}],
"tags":["My Site"]

This appears to be the correct format according to the docs online. Am I missing something? The person block is obviously in there and formatted to the specs as far as I can tell.
