How to add an address to an existing people record
I'm trying to add an address to an existing people record. I keep getting an error that the format is incorrect.
Add Collaborators to Person through API?
Is it possible to assign a collaborator by name to a person through the API?
Do appointments get pushed to webhooks
The API documentation lumps appointments in as a type of Task. However, I'm not seeing appointments show up at the webhooks address I created and configured for Follow Up Boss Tasks to post to when created (tasksCreated). I also noticed an undocumented endpoint for appointments at https://api.followupboss.com/v1/appointments/:id. However, I can't create a webhook for "appointmentsCreated". Any help getting webhooks notifications for appointments (both created and updated)? Thanks.
request api
hello could you help me make a request get to the api? I need to make a request to this url: https://api.followupboss.com/v1/people, but I do not know how to pass the token, I'm new to this.
Editing "address type" picklist
Is it possible to add another value to the address "type" picklist? Currently it shows home, mailing, investment, work and other. "property" is the appropriate value for our needs, but we don't want to have to type it every time. Is that a setting somewhere?
Custom Fields on People Endpoint?
It looks like custom fields are not returned by the People endpoint. Is this true?
property.mlsNumber does not populate correctly on POST /events
Hello Support,
What is the webhook that I should use when a deal is added or updated?
I'm using follow up boss api, and in the documentation I cannot see if there is a webhook that is executed when a deal is updated or added
Tags Applied Date Query
I want to know any means by which we can find out the date on which a particular tag is applied to a contact.